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cuba military power

Cuba Military Power - Newspaper that said more than a billion USD is spent on weapons every day. That the United States and the Western powers are the largest exporters, responsible for more than 80% of exports.

However, they (accidentally?) forgot to mention Russia and China. I learned from another source that these two countries are among the top 10 producers in the market and in the case of Russia, weapons are their primary export, followed by hydrocarbons.

Cuba Military Power

Cuba Military Power

Knowing this, it is not strange to see world powers "helping" to resolve conflicts and apparently "wasting lives and resources" on foreign problems. How much does their economy depend on this business? Is it arrogance or just a business strategy? It is clear that there is no money to be made without wars.

U.s. Sanctions Cuban Military Officials Over Crackdown On Protests

This made me reflect again on Cuba's military spending and the size of our army as well as our need for it. Checking the sources here and there, I was able to confirm how much military arsenal he collected here (I don't really know exact numbers).

It is said that we have about a thousand different types of missiles, no less than 350 different planes, at least 100 helicopters, a thousand anti-aircraft guns, more than 2000 tanks, thousands of vehicles, thousands of artillery pieces, millions of small arms and heavy firearms; and much more.

As well as large reserves of projectiles, fuel, food and spare parts, billions of pesos in salaries, costs and resources needed to develop them. Dozens of factories, workshops and infrastructure. Our military spending is gigantic. Not only the world is wrong in this regard, we also as a country and we should think about it.

Simply, for nothing. Or maybe we do to have enemies. Whoever has an army can be considered a threat to "someone", or "someone" can justify an attack or simple hostile action, due to the presence of so many weapons. Today, you deserve more respect from the international community if you have a neutral and functioning democracy than if you have a powerful army.

Cuba After The Castros

I'm not saying it wasn't necessary in previous decades, but today the smartest and most productive thing you can do is to disarm. We are an island that has no territorial conflict with anyone and our borders are well defined. The United States is the only power we have close to us and if it failed to turn us into a state or an associated state between 1899-1902, today it is basically impossible. Only a stupid person or a manipulative opportunist can argue such a danger.

Our dispute with this powerful neighbor of ours is at their military base in Guantanamo and there appears to be no settlement in sight. A military solution? Definitely not. But, do you want to know something interesting? This agreement would be perfectly negotiable if Cuba were to potentially dismantle.

In this great bay a special development zone can be developed, with attractive privileges for American companies as an incentive and leverage for this country. In addition, we will be an example to the world for both achievements: to close the controversial military base and to decide not to have an army, which means to be neutral. We would be much safer without weapons that we are with.

Cuba Military Power

Cuba that wants to change, not because someone is forcing us to do so, but because the country asks for this change and needs it urgently, it can also cancel the blockade or embargo of the United States in a few months. It is the shortest, most convenient and most productive way forward. And it depends more on us than on them.

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We urgently need to rebuild our country, starting with our people who are politically polarized and progressively moving away. A new constitution would be crucial, guaranteeing peace, social balance and progress; without sterile revenge and external pressure. But always consult the people wherever they are, abroad or in Cuba, and respect the wishes of the majority.

Learn to live in a democracy and not impose our "truth" on those who don't want it. It is a message that helps everyone on both ends of the political spectrum, because intolerance is not only a communist fault: many agitators also imitate it.

In such a context, the dissolution of the armed forces would be an act of great economic, political and strategic importance. With the end of the blockade and the contributions of our exile community (remittances, investments and expertise), it will be a key factor for us to move towards progress. Selling or using all this military armament as raw material would mean an additional source of resources. Not even selling as weapons, so our message is one of complete peace.

Military planes and helicopters can be repurposed, adapted for civilian and financial use. They can even strengthen our police force. Many vehicles are better used, we stop spending billions of pesos to maintain them, and this money is critical for our financial development. Not to mention the thousands of young people who do their military service and the soldiers who stop being an expense and then gradually enter the economic sectors that benefit the people more. In this sense, it should be a gradual process.

Cuba Without A Castro: The Island's Old Guard Exits The Stage

However, it is a shame that this proposal coming true is only a dream! It would be such a nice step towards peace and our true goals as a nation, but those who rule us need weapons and would never appreciate such a proposal. For them we must continue to spend billions of pesos and dollars that weigh like an iron weight tied to the ankles of our weak and stagnant economy. -Assad's soldiers and may prepare for Russian-made tanks to help Damascus fight against US-backed rebel forces

General Leopoldo Cintra Frias, head of Cuba's armed forces, recently visited Syria to lead a group of Cuban military personnel who join Russia in their support for Assad, according to information from the Institute of -University of Miami for Cuban and Cuban-American studies. .

On Wednesday, an American official confirmed to Fox News that Cuban paramilitary and special forces units are on the ground in Syria, citing evidence from intelligence reports. The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that the Cuban troops were training in Russia and could have arrived in Syria on Russian planes.

Cuba Military Power

"... it would indicate that General Raul Castro is more interested in supporting his allies, Russia and Syria, than continuing to normalize relations with the United States." - Institute of Cuban and Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami

How Cuba Is Dealing With The Devastation Of Hurricane Ian

An Arab military official at Damascus airport reported that two Russian planes had arrived there with Cuban military personnel on board. When the official asked the Cubans, they told him they were there to help Assad because they were experts in the operation of Russian tanks, according to Jaime Suchlicki, the institute's executive director.

"It doesn't surprise me," said Suchlicki, noting Russia's long history of supplying military equipment to Cuba, as well as Cuba's assistance in Soviet-led operations in Africa in the 1970s.

"They have a very close relationship," Suchlicki said. "The Russians have been training the Cubans for years and supplying them with all kinds of military equipment."

Syria's bloody civil war is in its fourth year and has so far claimed the lives of around 250,000 people and sparked a humanitarian crisis as displaced refugees flee the embattled nation. The United States has called for the ouster of dictator Assad, and supports a rebel group known as the Free Syrian Army. But ISIS and the Al Qaeda branch Al Nusra are also present in Syria, fighting Assad, the FSA and each other. Russia, Iran and now it seems Cuba are helping Assad in his bid to keep power.

All The Ways The Bay Of Pigs Invasion Failed

Cuba's military is ranked 110th strongest in the world by the site While it is small, the Cuban military is "very well trained," according to Suchlicki, who said their presence in Syria is "a deviation from what the United States expected."

Earlier this year, President Obama removed Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism in order to normalize relations between the two countries. The United States has spent decades either trying to overthrow the Cuban government or isolate the island, including strengthening the economic embargo first imposed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The American Embassy in Havana reopened in July 2015.

"Yes, there are those who want to turn back the clock and double down on a policy of isolation," Obama said at the time, "but we should have realized long ago that this approach does not work. It has worked for 50 years."

Cuba Military Power

"This is a historic step forward in our efforts to normalize relations with the Cuban government and people, and begin a new chapter with our neighbors in America," Obama said in July from the White House Rose Garden. .

The U.s. Military In Support Of Strategic Objectives In Latin America And The Caribbean > Prism

The US official describes the Cubans involved in Syria as similar to the "Cuba-Angola arrangement" - reference

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